Terms of Service

Updated: April 27, 2024


This Terms of Service is a binding agreement between you and Emivor Technology Group, LLC ("Emivor"), and encompasses all products and services ("products", "services"). By using Emivor services, you agree that you are of age in your jurisdiction and are able to legally enter into contracts. If you are using this service on behalf of an organization, you agree that you are able to enter into a binding contract on behalf of that organization. If you do not agree to these terms, or do not meet the conditions, you must cease from using Emivor services. If any provision of this agreement is found by a United States court to be unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this agreement shall remain in effect.

Changes to terms of service

This agreement may be revised at any time at the discretion of Emivor. Changes are effective immediately upon revision. Users of Emivor services are expected to check this page frequently, as the changes are binding on you.

General terms

Emivor services are to be used strictly for legal purposes. Your use of Emivor services must not violate any federal, state, or local laws of the United States of America. Users must not use Emivor services to engage in acts that are harmful, malicious, or illegal. The transmission or uploading of copyright protected material for which you do not have rights to is prohibited. The impersonation of others, whether an individual or organization, is prohibited. The creation of more than one Emivor account per person or more than one organization (in the system) per unique organization is prohibited. Except for open source components used, Emivor software components are intellectual property of Emivor Technology Group, LLC, and may not be copied in whole or part. The automated/programmatic use of API endpoints is prohibited. At any time, Emivor has the discretion to cease providing services to any customer or user of its services for any reason. Prices listed are in USD.

Availability of services

Emivor will make reasonable effort to ensure that services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You acknowledge that at times services may not be available for reasons such as: system maintenance, hardware issues, issues with upstream providers, and causes beyond our control. You agree to not hold Emivor liable for any losses due to downtime. To decrease user impact, scheduled system maintenance will generally be performed in the evening/night hours (Pacific Time). It is up to the discretion of Emivor whether invoice charges will be prorated to offset downtime.

Billing information

Personal and organization (team) subscription plans offer a two-week (14 day) trial period in which users can evaluate the Emivor service, to determine if they wish to proceed with a paid subscription. Charges will not be incurred if the subscription is cancelled before the two-week trial is over. At any time, customers may cancel their subscription.
Personal subscriptions
The billing period for personal subscriptions is the first day of the month through the last day of the month. (Example: January 1st to January 31st). Personal subscriptions are invoiced on the first day of the month following the billing period. For example: an active subscription from January 1st to January 31st will be invoiced on February 1st. Accounts will be charged for each day the account has an active subscription within the billing period. The term "active" refers to an account being enrolled in a subscription within the Emivor system on/for a specific date, date range, or time range; and not the usage of Emivor services during that period. If an account has been active for each day in the billing period, the charge for the billing period will be the monthly subscription rate. If an account is not active for each day in the billing period, the charge for the billing period will be prorated based on the number of days the account was enrolled in the subscription plan. Partial days will be charged at a prorated amount of one full day. In the event that an account subscription plan is changed during a billing period: for each day, the account will be charged a prorated amount of the greatest of the subscription plan rate that existed for the account for that day. Example: an account starts subscription Plan A ($4 per month) on January 1st, then switches to Plan B ($6 per month) on January 15th for the remainder of the month. For January 1st through January 14th, the account will incur a prorated charge of (1/14 * $4) per day. For January 15th through January 31st, the account will incur a prorated charge of (1/17 * $6) per day.
Organization (team) subscriptions
The billing period for an organization is the first day of the month through the last day of the month. (Example: January 1st to January 31st). Organization subscriptions are invoiced on the first day of the month following the billing period. For example: an active subscription from January 1st to January 31st will be invoiced on February 1st. Organizations will be charged for each member (user) for each day the member account has been active within the billing period. The term "active" refers to an account being a member of an organization within the Emivor system on/for a specific date, date range, or time range; and not the participation in an organization or use of Emivor services during that period. If a member has been active for each day in the billing period, the member charge for the billing period will be the monthly member subscription rate. If a member is not active for each day in the billing period, the member charge for the billing period will be prorated based on the number of days the member was active in the organization. Partial days will be charged at a prorated amount of one full day. In the event that an organization changes its subscription during a billing period: for each day, an active member will be charged a prorated amount of the greatest of the subscription plan rate that existed for that organization for that day. Example: an organization starts subscription Plan A ($6 per user per month) on January 1st, then switches to Plan B ($8 per user per month) on January 15th for the remainder of the month. For January 1st through January 14th, each active member will incur a prorated charge of (1/14 * $6) per day. For January 15th through January 31st, each active member will incur a prorated charge of (1/17 * $8) per day.

Payment for services

Payments for services rendered are expected to be paid on time. Payment is due within one week upon invoice generation. Users are expected to review invoices, and immediately contact Emivor upon any discrepancy found. If an invoice remains unpaid one week after the due date, Emivor reserves the right to suspend access to the content for that subscription.


The following information may be collected, stored, and processed by Emivor:
The only user-provided data that Emivor explicitly transfers to a third party from Emivor systems is billing information to the payment processor.
Third-party conversion tracking javascript code is used to track sign-up conversions.
While users are free to use Emivor provided methods to delete their data on the system, accounts and organizations cannot be deleted, as they are linked to billing data, and must be retained for business accounting and compliance purposes. In the event that Emivor is acquired by another company, any or all data may be transferred as part of the acquisition.


For accounts or organizations that have been inactive for three or more months, Emivor reserves the right to delete associated data and files.

Insights Disclaimer

The information contained within Insights content on the Emivor website is believed to be accurate on the date of last update. It is the users responsibility to verify information is correct. Users agree to not hold Emivor responsible for inaccurate information; nor hold Emivor liable for any loss or damages based on actions taken from Insights content.


You agree that the use of Emivor services is at your own risk, and that you will not hold Emivor, its owners, nor any third-party providers liable for any loss or damages from the use of Emivor services.

Contact information

Emivor Technology Group, LLC